It’s The D-Word

Published: Aug 26, 2023

Hmmmm…the D-word? Are you trying to think what I mean?
Well, depends on the context, right? Maybe you can guess if I give you the context. The D-word is referring to getting things done in your life. No, not Dill Pickle Chips (although I love them)– but rather DISCIPLINE.

Who wants to talk DISCIPLINE? Virtually no one but it’s critical to taking care of yourself, being productive and leading you.

I’m pretty good at bossing myself around.

Remember how I told you last month about talking to those (Rotary) RYLA kids every year? I open every session reminding them that “the first person you get to boss around is you.”

Discipline is small steps. It’s making your bed. It’s keeping your promises to yourself. It’s doing what you say you will do.

I love history. Eisenhower was an incredible man and the Allied Commander during WWII. At the height of the war, he was smoking 6 packs of cigarettes a day. When he quit after the war, he was asked how stopped cold turkey. He flatly stated, “I gave myself an order.”

Damn that’s beautiful. Give yourself an order today.